Stranger: me too i don't really care though
Stranger: i thought you were going to do that m/f thing first ><
Stranger: so i wanted to beat you to it
Stranger: never talked to someone from indonesia ( bangga gue wahahaha)
Stranger: what's it like there?
You: well it's hot ( memperburuk nama bangsa)
You: you wouldn't like it
Stranger: it can get hot here too
Stranger: and we have traffic too
You: but indonesia is worse
You: well the citizen love to litter
You: so every year it has to be flood
You: and the worse is the flood come into my house ( curhat )
You: sorry if there's wrong grammer or something
You: still learning english ( sok sok an)
Stranger: it's not too bad
Stranger: i've seen worse
You: its a weird name ( merendahkan diri )
Stranger: Nice to meet you
You: Nice to meet you too
Stranger: what does it mean? mine comes from "michael" meaning pure or angel
You: well mine meaning the sweet smell of heaven ( ngasal )
Stranger: that's not a bad name then ( muji muji )
Stranger: so are you a student?
You: still a middle school stdent
Stranger: is the graduation age there 18?
Stranger: i'm in college right now
You: nope its 19 or 20 ( ngasak bgt )
You: wow what specialist?
Stranger: Computer Networking Systems
Stranger: so what do you want to be?
You: i hope i can be a doctor just like my grand father ( wahahaha)
You: But i love learning english so i might be an english specialist( apa banget )
Stranger: i met a chinese fellow today who wants to come to america
Stranger: and teach english
Stranger: yeah he wants to teach chinese too on top of that
You: i wish i can learn chinese
Stranger: so he would teach english to people who want to learn it and chinese to others as well
Stranger: chinese friends
Stranger: i talked to them to much and they taught me a little chinese
Stranger: i'm getting better at it...
Stranger: i'm terrible at writing it though
You: so you can speak chinese?
Stranger: you meet a lot of people on here
Stranger: if they aren't weird that is
You: tell me have you been to disneyland?
Stranger: i have never been to disneyland
Stranger: it is so expensive to go
You: hoe much does it cost?
You: is there a disney land in USA?
Stranger: it can can easily cost $1000 for a trip there ( gile berapa ribu tuh)
Stranger: and yes there's on in flordia and california
You: well it sure is expensive
Stranger: I live in the midwest in a city call Saint Louis
Stranger: going anywhere is expensize
You: well i've heard that ( boong )
Stranger: everything is on the coast
You: well i live in jakarta
You: and its full of bomb and terorist ( curhat lagi)
You: so its unsafe to go out of my house
You: yeah i mean have you heard the news
You: it's about jakarta bomb terror
Stranger: no i news is very censored
Stranger: we hear about what the media wants to tell us
Stranger: It's sad but Michael Jackons death is more important to americans than the bombing
You: all the media report about that everyday
You: but its stop two days ago ( padahal engga)
Stranger: it's terrible isn't i?
Stranger: it takes a disaster to change the news
You: and the ghost? is it real?
Stranger: i'm sure it isn't
Stranger: talking about michael jackson's ghost?
Stranger: yeah i don't think it's real...
Stranger: it's about as real as instant mashed potatoes
You: hmm tell me what hour is now in your country
You: wow it's morning already?
Stranger: very large time difference
Stranger: what do you want to know about it?
You: im sorry i have to study so, im going offline bye(padahal bosen)
Copyrights @ Raihan
Labels: chat, meet someone, story